Friday, January 11, 2008

Letting Go

I had a misunderstanding with a real estate agent a few weeks ago during a home inspection in Lincoln Park. I pointed out to my client (the buyer) that since the furnace was located in the bathroom it was not only a violation of the building code but was also contrary to the manufacturer's installation instructions and functionally inadequate. During my explanation of this installation defect the Realtor (Robin) asked several questions and I answered them at some length.

A few days later my client forwards an email to me in which the Realtor plainly states that my reporting vis-a-vis the furnace were deliberate falsifications and that, "the furnace plainly meets code".....her very words! My blood pressure shot up like a Saturn V rocket and thoughts of strangling her idiotic nattering bobblehead filled my brain. I immediately called her to clarify the issues, she hangs up during the call and refuses to answer any subsequent calls or emails.

I then called her managing broker who made some vague apologies about Robin and graciously offered to let me give a presentation to the R.E. agents in her office as a way of making amends. It was a very nice gesture but not really what I had in mind. So, what I'm trying to figure out is, do I sue this money grubbing nitwit for defaming me or do I chuck it up to 'all in the biz'.

I know it's best to let go of the anger and move on but the gall of this person to call me a liar and to offer a technical opinion on the installation of a furnace totally flips me out. On top of it all she steadfastly refuses to proffer the simple admission and apology that would put it all to rest.

Om, shanti, shanti. Om, shanti, shanti. I'll get over it eventually!

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